A tragic bus fire outside Bangkok, Thailand, claimed the lives of several children and teachers as the vehicle, carrying dozens of elementary students, caught...
A Vietnamese fishing boat was reportedly attacked while sailing in the vicinity of the West Philippine Sea, according to Vietnamese state media.
The report states...
Explosions and shelling have struck border towns in Lebanon, districts in the capital Beirut, and a building in the massive Palestinian refugee camp of...
KATHMANDU: Individuals from Nepal's flood-hit capital returned to their mud-caked houses on Sunday (September 29) to examine the damage left by devastating floods that killed...
Thailand's king signed same-sex marriage into law according to the official Royal Gazette, making it the very first Southeast Asian country to embrace marriage equality.
TOKYO, Japan - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.6-magnitude earthquake near Japan's remote Izu Islands on Tuesday, prompting local weather authorities to...