Republic Act (RA) 12077, also known as the “Student Loan Payment Moratorium During Disasters and Emergencies Act,” was officially signed into law by President...
Three successive typhoons, Nika, Ofel, and Pepito, have affected 193,324 families or a total of 718,764 individuals in Cagayan Valley.
According to Lucia Alan, director...
The province of Sorsogon has committed early to extend assistance to Catanduanes following the devastation caused by Super Typhoon Pepito.
Sorsogon Governor Boboy Hamor has...
The United States has committed Php84 million ($1.5 million) to aid the Philippines' response to Tropical Storm Kristine, known internationally as Trami.
This funding will...
More than 382,000 individuals across the Philippines have been affected by Tropical Storm Kristine.
According to the latest situational report from the National Disaster Risk...
A five-seater plane stationed at Basco Airport in Batanes was destroyed by the powerful winds brought by Typhoon Julian.
According to Batanes Governor Marilou Cayco,...
The Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte has declared a state of calamity in response to the widespread destruction caused by Super Typhoon "Julian" (internationally...